
Process Chemistry Optimisation

If you manufacture speciality chemicals, then you know that keeping in control of your process chemistry presents some distinct challenges. You probably produce a wide range of products using batch processes on multi-purpose assets. Your raw materials and final products may be multi-component substances with complex compositions. New product introduction lead times are short and production of each product may be infrequent, so you don't have much time for process optimisation. But each product composition must be controlled to ensure that products deliver the required performance in downstream customer applications. 

Effective quality assurance requires a structured approach to controlling your processes, not just during manufacture, but all the way through new product development, from raw material approval, through laboratory scale preparations, to plant operating instructions. And when things do go wrong, you need a combination of skills; good underpinning chemistry and chemical engineering science, detailed knowledge of your products and a good working relationship with your suppliers and customers, in order to fix the problem quickly and make sure it stays fixed. 

bm4tech can provide guidance in setting up a responsive but robust system for new product and process definition, as well as support and advice in solving specific product quality problems.